Through her work, Karen Lynn Gorney has touched the lives of many fans worldwide. To some, Karen will live on as "Tara Martin", one of the original characters from the long-running daytime series "All my Children". To others, she will always be "Stephanie", in "Saturday Night Fever", the bright Bay Ridge girl looking for a better life.
You can be a member of Karen's OFFICIAL fan club for only 18.00 a year and 25.00 outside the US. (The small fee of 18.00 helps pay to keep this site up and running and also helps to pay for postage and printing of fan club kits.) Membership to the club includes the following.
- An Autograph 8x10 B/W Photo, personally picked out by Karen.
- 3 yearly newsletters "e-zines"
E-zines will be sent to your e-mail box which include special messages from Karen, Whats new with Karen, exclusive pictures, interviews from Karens peers, ask Karen and lots more..
- A welcome letter from Karen welcoming you to the club.
- A list of Karen's Film credits with Biography.
- A copy "re-print" of Karen's artwork of "Stephanie and Tony." see pic in the art gallery
Also, as a member when Karen is in your town she will send you a postcard letting you know where she will be.
If you would like to become a member of Karen's Official Fan Club or would like more info please email KLGFans@yahoo.com and we'll write you back with payment information.
The Official Karen Lynn Gorney fan club will be maintained by Lennon Parker who currently maintains The Official Maureen McCormick Online Fan Club.